

H ανεπανάληπτη Edith Piaf και ο σύζυγός της Théo Sarapo (Θοδωρής Λαμπούκας)

Μετάφραση των στίχων

What is the point of love?
They always tell
Senseless stories
What is the point of loving?

Love can’t be explained!
It’s just the way it is!
It comes from who knows where
And suddenly takes hold of you.
Me, I heard it said
That loves makes you suffer,
That loves makes you cry,
What is the point of loving?

Love, what is the point of it?
To bring us joy
Along with tears in our eyes
It’s sad and wonderful!
Yet they often say
That love is disappointing,
That there is always one out of two
Who is never happy

Even once you lost it
The love that you have known,
Leaves you a taste of honey.
Love is forever!

All that is very nice
But when it’s all said and done
It leave you nothing
But immense sorrow

All of this
Seems heartbreaking to you now
Tomorrow it will be
A memory of joy.

All in all, if I understood
Without love in life
Without its joys, its sorrows
One has lived for nothing?
But yes! Look at me!
I believe it every time!
And I will always believe it
That is the point of love!

But you, you are the last!
But you, you are the first!
Before you there was nothing,
With you I am fine.

It’s you that I wanted!
It’s you that I needed!
You that I would always love
That is the point of love